Bangus Festival 2008
Sundae Session has been blessed to be part of this year’s Bangus Festival. In fact, we got to play live twice. The first gig was on April 26 as a guest at the Tunog Bangus Battle of the Bands while the second was last April 30 at the grand Bangus Festival Street Party itself. To have a “bigger” sound for these big events, we added Paolo in our line-up and had him play guitars for us.
Bangus Festival 2008
May 01
The first gig went okay although we didn’t get the “big” sound we needed because the guitars somehow weren’t loud enough (blame it on the sound system). The second was a lot better, though. Aside from the better sound system, another thing i liked about it was the setting. It was actually raining from afternoon till evening and our stage (stage 7) didn’t have any roof on it but the gig still went on. We were all wet when we played and I thought that was really cool.
Actually, the rain was a blessing for the band since Wendelle, our vocalist, still had to travel from Baguio to Dagupan (that takes two hours). He was there for a church responsibility. He was supposed to be back here in Dagupan by 2 pm but due to inevitable circumstances, he arrived almost 7. We were supposed to play around 5 to 6 pm but the heavy rain delayed the activity. It continued when the rain stopped though we still had our dose of drizzle afterwards.
We had our turn to play past 8 pm. We didn’t even have the chance to rehearse today because of Wendelle’s travel but our set went really well. the audience was appreciative and they stayed to watch despite the rain although some of them didn’t have their umbrellas.
All in all, this year is really a memorable one for us. This makes it our first time to really experience a public exposure since we mostly play in exclusive parties and other similar gatherings. It’s nice that some of our friends were also there.
It’s just funny. We’ve been practicing Deep Purple’s “Highway Star” the past days and we didn’t play it in both gigs. We’ll just reserve that for our May gig at Villa Jireh resort, I think.
awwfee from the 808
well goshhh i have
this picture on myy
myspace pagge,cause daum
its tight,i know the gospel
is TRUE && its teachings
believe me it as blessed me
&& myy familyy in manyy
ways; i AM a MEMbER of the
lATTER dAY-SAiNTS; && a proud one
two; keep it up snoopyy;
this is neat!?
You might be talking about Snoop Dogg becoming a Mormon, huh?.. It’s an April Fool’s prank actually.