Real Hero Posters

Real Hero Posters

Apr 04
Here’s something I stumbled upon while browsing the net. Its a cool version of Book of Mormon prophets and I think that friends who visit this blog, whether LDS or non-LDS, will enjoy this digital illustration done by artist Steve Nethercott. Featured in this poster is one my my favorite “heroes” ever, Samuel the Lamanite. I just love how the artist did this piece because, for me, it has a Final Fantasy-meets-Lord of the Rings feel to it.

Just click the image to take a closer look or, better yet, click this Real Hero Posters link to see the other posters. Below are some of the texts I got from the site.

With his new release of Real Hero Posters, Steve has chosen to use various digital illustration techniques to achieve the look and feel he desires. With these posters, he wishes to touch the heart of everyone, but especially the youth. “In a world full of fantasy heroes and pop-stars, we should never forget the real heroes, with real courage, real strength, and real stories,” says Steve. Through his artistic talents, Steve strives to capture the spirit of real heroes, the uniqueness of their world, the strength of their character, and the reality of their heroism.

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  1. boeight

    Among the twelve, I pick the poster entitled Daughter in the Wilderness. Ika nga ni ka francis at ka ely… unsung heroes. hehehe

  2. Yeah, astig din yun. I also like the Stripling Warriors. Mala-300 :D

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