Francis Magalona Tribut...

I got surprised when I started hearing about an Eat Bulaga TV ad for an upcoming Francis Magalona tribute episode the past week. Time flies too fast and I didn’t notice its already been one whole year ago when the Master Rapper returned to his Master. Countless...

Iron Man Armor Wars...

I haven’t followed Marvel’s recent all-ages Iron Man Armor Wars limited series so I really can’t say much about the title. But allow me to post the covers here. I really liked ‘em so much. Here’s issue 1’s cover by...

Higante Music Video | F...

Have you heard Francis Magalona and Ely Buendia’s new song? I do hope you have. Two weeks ago I’ve posted about the premiere of “Higante” and now it looks like the two Pinoy music icons are back for more - they’ve just...

Panels and Pages #5 | R...

Each time you visit my blog, you see this guy’s artwork. Seriously. No kidding!… Yes, you got it! He designed my “beyond awesome” Planet Markus blog banner. Lets all meet artist extra-ordinaire RH Quilantang as we discuss about Goodbye Rubbit,...

Higante | New Song by F...

These are days I am just thankful there’s Twitter! Last night, Ely Buendia just announced through his account that a new song entitled “Higante” by The Sickos Project will be aired at radio stations later at 7pm. What’s The Sickos Project you...

Check Out My New Logo...

You noticed my new blog logo, didn’t you? Yey! At last, I’ve  found the perfect replacement for my old logo! Hahah… I’ve really been thinking of changing my blog logo for some time now but never quite got the chance to do it. Thankfully,...

Another Pinoy Shoutout ...

Last Sunday, a Budjette Tan article was published at the Sunday Inquirer magazine about hidden “easter eggs” on comics (or “balut eggs” as he fondly refers to it) which were mostly done by Filipino comic book artists and writers. One...

5 Things I Wont Forget ...

It’s been exactly a month since Francis Magalonapassed away but his memories still remain. I still listen to his music a lot and I can’t fight the urge to write my own tribute for the man so here goes. I’ve decided to call this entry...


Francis Magalona just passed away today. It’s confirmed. Vic Sotto himself made the announcement at Eat Bulaga

No Substitute For The R...

Yes, I know it has been days but it was just yesterday during my lunch break that I got to watch Francis Magalona’s first performance after being diagnosed with leukemia. He performed side by side with his band, Hardware Syndrome and they jammed with...

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