Shortlisted Interview #7: Francis Nuguit

Shortlisted Interview #7: Francis Nuguit

Apr 19

Shortlister #7 is a Cubao-based artist who may already be familiar with Dynamite readers. According to him, he was worked on several Wheel of Time issues in the past. He hopes to work on Spider-Man, X-Men and “any original member” of the Avengers when he finally makes it to Marvel.

Boys and girls, lets all meet Francis Nuguit!

Mark Rosario: Tell us something about yourself.

Francis Nuguit: Well, I’m from Bacoor, Cavite, not that I’m a Caviteno, it’s just where my family have settled in longest up to present . I’m currently staying in a studio apartment in Cubao. It seems like I’ve gotten used to living in tiny rooms since my college years, renting a unit, when I was taking a degree in Fine Arts and Design at the University of Santo Tomas. I majored in Advertising and after graduating, I’ve been hired as a graphic designer for North Park Noodles (Restaurant Company), a Package Designer for Kimbells (Package & label printing company), took a vocational course in Web Design, and though I never finished it, I was hired as a Graphic Artist/Web Designer for GoVida (though now it merged with GreenhouseGas Management institute).

Anyway, it was in 2007, back when I was still working for North Park that I met David Campiti, founder of Glasshouse Graphics, at UP Diliman during Komikon and showed him my works. He liked some and gave helpful critic on most. I tried out with some sample sequentials but ended up failing to meet his standards, and though he did just gave me some more helpful criticism I gave up for a while and it was not until 2009 that I finally was able to evolve and surpass his expectations. I finally got in his agency and up until now I’m still trying to develop myself to become better.

I became a filler artist as a start. My first project was from a creator-owned/company, of a character named Hitless, not the best but it was a learning experience and it taught me a lot . I also took a project as a Character Concept Designer for a client that I never found out who and what for, but at least I got paid. But now that I think about it, I’m gonna ask. As for my current project, I have been working on the Wheel of Time: The Eye of The World series by Dynamite Entertainment based on the fantasy novel series by the late Robert Jordan. I have worked on issues number 16, 17 and 18 which are already out I believe, issues 27 and 28 soon to come, and currently on issue 29 all the way to issue 36 I believe (I hope).

MR: What did you apply for and what made you decide to try out?

FN: I am a penciller right now so that’s the same position I’m looking for. Plus Marvel has always been a goal of mine. Any comic book artist has it as a goal to be a Marvel staple or at least worked with a project for Marvel if they’re the indie artist type.

MR: Tell us a little about the samples you sent.

FN: I was currently busy and still am with the Wheel of Time series so I wasn’t able to create new stuff. I just sent some of my past works that I’m most proud, like the concept artworks I did for the unnamed client, the X-Men sample sequentials that got me in Glasshouse, some pinups of along with some of my recent pages from my current project.



MR: What were you doing when you discovered you made it to the shortlist? How did you feel at the moment?

FN: To be honest it was already pass 11am and I was still fast asleep. I was awakened by the call from National Book Store and was a bit groggy during the news. It took a while for me to take it all in and then I said, “about damn time!” Just kidding. I felt excited and anxious like it was the first day of school, suffice to say I didn’t sleep well the day before and had to pee three times before the interview.

MR: How did the Cebulski interview go? What did he say about your work?

FN: I can’t remember the entirety of the conversation but it went smooth, could have been better, well at least in my head. He said my works were one of those that stood out and they were pretty solid, he gave me helpful tips as well to improve my paneling and storytelling.

MR: I heard there’s still another test from Cebulski, right? What does that mean and what are you currently doing to warm up for that?

FN: Well, he’ll be sending Marvel scripts for artist he liked to make sample sequentials on, but since I have projects lined up I won’t be able to start on it until later this year. And Cebulski understood that, so I won’t find out if I’ll make it into Marvel until probably next year, if the Mayan Calendar conspiracy theorists are wrong that is.

MR: Let’s talk influences. Who are some of your heroes in the industry?

FN: I admire the works of Mico Suayan for being a pencil god, Raymund Bermudez another pencil god and dynamic artist, Leinil Yu for his stylized drawing, Harvey Tolibao for his intricate details, Adam Hughes for reasons I don’t need to explain, Steve Mc Niven and Travis Charest for their seamless styles. Inkers like Mark Morales and Richard Friend, Sean Gordon Murphy for his unique style of inks, shadows and blacks and for being a badass as well, Dan Panosian also for his bold inks, Eric Canete another artist with an explosive style and bold inks. I’ve also went through the Jim Lee phase back in high school.

And to name some Fantasy artists like Brom and Boris, and of course the father of Fantasy Art, Frazetta.



MR: Given the chance to pick, which Marvel books/characters would you hope to do in the near future?

FN: I guess like anyone in my position, I would like to get a shot on Marvel’s major characters, like Spider-Man, any member of the original Avenger characters, X-Men, etc.

MR: Thank you for your time! Tell us where fans can find you for updates and more.

FN: Well you know my FB ( and my DA account ( I also have a page at the Glasshouse Graphics website ( You can also Google my name along with Wheel of Time I guess, there’s hardly anyone with the same name as Francis Nuguit.

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