Snoop Dogg converts to Mormonism
Rapper Snoop Dogg says he “can’t get enough of the Book of Mormon.”
Snoop Dogg converts to Mormonism
Apr 25
Surprising? Yes, it is! Read the full story here.
But wait! Here’s a little instruction before you proceed: after reading the article, don’t forget to scroll below and read what’s above terms of service, okay?
Plus: here’s another link that you might find helpful (amazing skills with the photoshop, don’t you think?).
Hello, form Utah. This is something I never thought I would see, but it goes to show, that because the gospel is true, it can affect anyone. I think that is really neat!
Nope. Actually, it’s one of those April fool’s pranks I came across on the web this year.
If you’d click the first link, you’d find the fake CNN link and if you’d click the 2nd, you’d find the true Snoop Dogg photograph.
So, no. Snoop’s not a Mormon.. yet!
I is reel proud of snoop. I was at testemonee meeting last week and snoop beared his testemonee. He is an inspired yung man. I agree with Dayna, that gosple can change anyone, inkluding snoop.
i think the photo in the link has been edited. but carl, are you for real???
I’m betting Carl saw Snoop’s clone, Kelvin
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